The FuseBox Stack is comprised of several essential components, including:
- Fuse SDK enables interaction with Fuse APIs, indexing solutions, RPCs, and bundlers.
- Fuse APIs, which include:
- Smart Wallets API for creating and managing Smart Contract Wallets.
- Notifications API for subscribing to updates about wallet activity.
- Trade API for fetching trade data and assisting with swaps.
- DATA APIs enable additional indexed data such as NFTs, transaction histories, and more.
- Network API:
- Staking API - Volt and Fuse liquid staking (Voltage DEX module)
- NFT API that utilizes the subgraphs
- Indexers, including subgraphs and the explorer.
- Fuse Network serves as the underlying infrastructure for the Fuse Stack.
- Smart Wallet Contracts and their modules.
- Token contracts, including ERC20 tokens and ERC721 (NFTs).
- Token factories for creating new tokens.
- Other smart contracts include AMMs of DEXes, DAO contracts, and more.
These components comprise the robust and comprehensive Fuse Stack, providing a powerful toolkit for building and deploying blockchain-based applications on the Fuse Network.